Box Burger in Bray, Ireland

Just a few minutes walk from the Bray DART station (40 minutes from Dublin city centre) is a fun little place called Box Burger, a partner restaurant with Platform Pizza bar. BOTH places cater to gluten free folks, vegans, and vegetarians. The coolest part? You can order from both menus when sitting outside.

Pizza AND fries? Yes please!

A glimpse at their burger menu:


I ordered the Chickpea & PB burger pictured below, which can be made both vegan and gluten free, with fries on the side. My husband had the Seitan burger with Onion Rings (not gf!).


onion rings

The fries were AWESOME, the onion rings were AWSOME (or so I’ve been told), but the burgers were.. meh. I expected a bit more tanginess in mine. More of a punch. It was still such a treat though! Next time I will be ordering the vegan and gluten free pizza. I’ve had it before and it’s fab.

Bray is a lovely coastal town that one might stop by on their way to Powerscourt Gardens, or just to get some nice ocean air in a picturesque setting.

The View

The view from our table.

It is definitely worth a visit! That view! ?

the view 2

Just steps away is this gorgeous mountain that you walk around on the Bray-Greystones coastal walk. This is one of my favorite activities because it ends at The Happy Pear! But that is a post for another day!

Hope to see you in Bray sometime!

You’ll find me carbo loading on Pizza pre-hike. ??



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