Is there anything more fun than stepping foot into a different world? I love immersive experiences that take you somewhere you haven’t been and Dalkey Castle is one! Just 30 minutes south of Dublin on the DART is a charming coastal town called Dalkey. This place has it all! Shops with adorable storefronts, great restaurants, frequent festivals, the ocean, and a castle with the most unique tour around!
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One question I get asked often is, “I want to eat healthy food but I can’t afford it! What should I do?”
I recently turned 30 and my twenties have been up and down with times where I was able to strut up and down the aisles of fancy grocery stores throwing anything in my cart and other times where the 50 cent oatmeal in Hofer/Aldi was a lifesaver! ? Regardless of where you currently stand in the spectrum, hopefully the following tips can help keep your wallet happy without any compromises.
Continue reading “Top 10 Tips – eating well on a budget, vegan, gluten free, vegetarian, organic” →
I could tell you in a heartbeat what my favorite thing about living in Dublin is – being close to the ocean. In a mere 10-20 minutes in different directions on the DART train one can find themselves smelling fresh ocean air. I am obsessed with it. As soon as I step off the train, the moment the salty goodness fills my lungs, I start to relax. The sound of the ocean starts to ring in my ears along with the chatter of the seagulls. Heaven. On a Sunday there is no better seaside spot than Don Laoghaire because of the People’s Park Market. The ukulele group is a great reason to go but the second reason? Food! Lots and lots of food!
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Dear Dublin,
I have a bone to pick with you! You don’t understand what good coffeeshops are and this Austrian is distraught! Where are the live piano players after 6pm? Where is the quiet humdrum of an imported Italian espresso machine that costs more than my rent (which btw. Dublin, is WAY too much)? Where are the real chairs? We want real chairs!! With backs! Wifi access for longer than 20 minutes if you please. And for goodness sakes, what is that loud rock music doing in a coffeeshop? Honestly Dublin, if it wasn’t for Press Cafe, you and I would have a serious problem.
Continue reading “Press Cafe – My favorite cafe in Dublin!” →
These scones are filled with love because all of your loved ones can eat them! They are also heart friendly with NO oil, NO butter, and completely vegan! Throw in the fact that they are nut and gluten free and you have most allergies covered. So whether your grandpa is high carb low fat on the Starch Solution or your cousin a celiac – this recipe will be a hit at your breakfast table! These scones are best served warm with jam and lots of loved ones around! ?
This recipe was developed for Gluten Free Fridays with Vegetarian Mamma! Read more to find more gluten free deliciousness around the web!
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Berlin has Kreuzberg, San Francisco has The Mission, New York has Brooklyn, and Vienna?
Vienna has the 7th District. Home to hipsters, everything organic and fair trade, and lots and lots of vegans. It was only natural for Vienna’s first vegan ice cream parlor, Veganista, to open here. Ice cream fans from all over the city quickly flocked over and gobbled up the icy deliciousness. But what about dinner before? Well, that was problematic. Sure there are options a few blocks away in most directions but nothing right there.
Until now.
Continue reading “ERICH – A new gem in Vienna’s 7th district. Vegan & Gluten Free options.” →
It’s no secret that I can’t have gluten. Sucks but it is what it is. I was way too sick for too long until I discovered this intolerance.
It is also no secret that I much prefer the vegan/plant based lifestyle.
That said, getting all the right nutrients on such a more restrictive diet is HARD – at first! It takes planning and learning about the variety of foods one should eat – and then eating them!
Continue reading “Being a Healthy Vegan – 3 Simple Hacks!” →
We spent a significant amount of time on the Don Laoghaire Pier this Sunday. I’m not gonna lie, we were totally Pokemon hunting! The bandstand on the pier is a well known Poke Stop always surrounded with lures. Well, if all that running around and phone swiping does not work up an appetite! Fortunately we were rescued from by THE most charming food truck.
Continue reading “Gluten Free & Vegan Crepes – Don Laoghaire, Ireland” →
Just a few minutes walk from the Bray DART station (40 minutes from Dublin city centre) is a fun little place called Box Burger, a partner restaurant with Platform Pizza bar. BOTH places cater to gluten free folks, vegans, and vegetarians. The coolest part? You can order from both menus when sitting outside.
Pizza AND fries? Yes please!
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